Complementary treatments for herpes

Treatments and Symptoms of Herpes - Complementary treatments for herpes

Complementary treatments for herpes:

1) Soak the affected area with hot water. While not soaking the region, keep it dry. Doctors occasionally recommend that the region is soaked in hot water to relieve itching, pain or discomfort associated with outbreaks of herpes. You may find that the aluminum acetate or magnesium sulfate helps relieve the affected area, though these are not treatments recommended by doctors.
  • Clean the wound gently with SOAP and hot water. Keep the bubbles clean can help accelerate healing.
  • When the region is not soaked in hot water, try to keep it dry. Dry the area with a towel after a shower is uncomfortable, use a hair dryer.

2)Use underwear and loose sheets and breathable. The cotton underwear is mandatory. Restrictive clothing and stockings, pants or synthetic underwear can aggravate the symptoms of genital herpes. These synthetic materials don't tend to breathe as well as fabrics such as cotton.


3) If the ulcers are very painful, talk to the doctor for him to prescribe a topical anesthetic that can be applied on the affected areas. Although topical treatments are generally less efficient than systemic
procedures, they can still be used to treat pain and discomfort.
  • Medications – OTC painkillers such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen – is a practice usually recommended to relieve pain.

4) Try ointments containing propolis. In its natural state, propolis is a resinous material collected of hornbeam trees, though normally be collected from beehives. A 3% propolis ointment (Herstat or ColdSore-FX), applied in the lesions of herpes, can help alleviate the problem.

  • In one study, the propolis ointment was used four times a day, for 10 days, between 30 participants. After that, 24 of the 30 participants who have used propolis during the study stated that the injuries were cured, while only 14 of the 30 participants who used a placebo reported the same.

5) Try the herb Prunella vulgaris and the mushroom Rozites caperata. The Rozites caperata and Prunella vulgaris showed some success in combating shingles. The Prunella vulgaris can be used in a hotwater treatment to relieve and heal outbursts, while the Rozites caperata can be ingested.

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